Donate to MNRPCV online via PayPal.
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The Minnesota Returned Peace Corps Volunteers gratefully accepts donations to our Grant Fund and/or to help finance our general operations. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and therefore your donation is tax-deductible. We will send a receipt for any donation of $25.00 or more and/or to anyone who requests one. To make a donation to MNRPCV, you can:
P. O. Box 6413
Minneapolis MN 55406
1. Include a donation with your dues when you send in your Dues
2. Donate to MNRPCV online via PayPal.
3. Or mail a check for your donation to:
Minnesota Returned Peace Corps VolunteersP. O. Box 6413
Minneapolis MN 55406
Thank you for supporting the Minnesota Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, The MNRPCV Board of Directors