2024-2025 Board of Directors
MNRPCV elects a Board of Directors every year as required by our Bylaws. We hold Board elections in August or September at our Annual Meeting and Picnic. The 10-20 Board Members serve from the time of their election to the Annual Meeting the following year. The election of officers and assignment of committees take place at the first Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting. Registered Members may attend Board meetings at the invitation of a Board Member. For general questions about MNRPCV, email [email protected].
President Deb Most, Latvia 94-96: served as an Ag Business Volunteer with Laukkredits and Cesis Regional Government.
Vice President and Fundraising Chair Mary Adams, Latvia 1995-1997: served as a Small Enterprise Development advisor to the Jelgava Agriculture Regional Government. Besides working with Junior Achievement. Also facilitated the development of a Mentally Handclapped Day Center and organized financial credit seminars for small to medium size business.
Secretary Daniel (Dan) Grundtner, Jamicia 1985-1987: served as a Watershed Management Advisor. Also, helped start the MNRPCV Toastmasters club here in MN in 2000.
Treasurer Linda Lipscy, Samoa 1984-1986: worked in the Ag Extension at the University of the South Pacific. Currently she is an accountant.
Advocacy Chair - Open
Governance & Facebook Chair Jane Bardon, Turkmenistan 2003-2005: served as a public health education volunteer. She and her late husband, Dr. Jack Bardon, compiled a three-language medical dictionary in Turkmen, Russian, and English. She is retired from the University of Minnesota.
Fundraising/Calendars: Mary Adams, Latvia 1995-2016: also the Vice President (see above)
Membership Chair Deb Most: Latvia 1995-2016: also the President (see above)
Social Events and Community Service Chair - Open
At Large Leslie (Les) Everett, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC, Zaire) 1973-1975: served as an Agriculture Volunteer. Les set up a production system for livestock and vegetables at the UNAZA university farm as a source of food for the student cafeteria.
Vice President and Fundraising Chair Mary Adams, Latvia 1995-1997: served as a Small Enterprise Development advisor to the Jelgava Agriculture Regional Government. Besides working with Junior Achievement. Also facilitated the development of a Mentally Handclapped Day Center and organized financial credit seminars for small to medium size business.
Secretary Daniel (Dan) Grundtner, Jamicia 1985-1987: served as a Watershed Management Advisor. Also, helped start the MNRPCV Toastmasters club here in MN in 2000.
Treasurer Linda Lipscy, Samoa 1984-1986: worked in the Ag Extension at the University of the South Pacific. Currently she is an accountant.
Advocacy Chair - Open
Governance & Facebook Chair Jane Bardon, Turkmenistan 2003-2005: served as a public health education volunteer. She and her late husband, Dr. Jack Bardon, compiled a three-language medical dictionary in Turkmen, Russian, and English. She is retired from the University of Minnesota.
Fundraising/Calendars: Mary Adams, Latvia 1995-2016: also the Vice President (see above)
Membership Chair Deb Most: Latvia 1995-2016: also the President (see above)
Social Events and Community Service Chair - Open
At Large Leslie (Les) Everett, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC, Zaire) 1973-1975: served as an Agriculture Volunteer. Les set up a production system for livestock and vegetables at the UNAZA university farm as a source of food for the student cafeteria.